How We Can Help You
Who We Are?
We approach your complex neurological condition with a brain-based approach.
How Are We Different?
We focus on improving your specific neurological dysfunction, rather than simply treating your symptoms with drugs or surgery.
What To Expect?
We use cutting-edge neurological testing to create your tailored rehabilitation program, harnessing neuroplasticity to rewire your brain.
Conditions We Work With
Concussion Treatment
+ Traumatic Brain Injuries
Traumatic brain injuries and concussions can be uncomfortable to debilitating injuries with lifelong consequences. We work with our patients to reduce the length of symptoms and restore their life. No matter how recent or chronic your injury is, its not too late
Vertigo Treatment
+ Dizziness
Vertigo and dizziness cause a sensation of swaying, tilting , falling, spinning that can lead far beyond poor balance. We work with our patients to regain their sense of center and improve their quality of life. No matter how long you have suffered from your vertigo or dizziness, it is never too late to start getting better.
Migraine Treatment
+ Headaches
Headaches and migraines can be a minor inconvenience to debilitating. Many people consider them normal and never mention them. We evaluate and address several contributing factors that contribute to move you down the spectrum of migraine and improve your life.
Movement Disorders
These frustrating disorders leave people feeling like that they have little control of their bodies. They attempt to activate a muscle or motor program and nothing to something completely different happens. Involuntary muscle spasms lead to involuntary posturing, changes in function and pain. We use all of your findings to design a very precise protocol of neurostimulation and neurorehabilitation exercises.
If you feel like your brain function is getting worse we will use cutting-edge, evidence based tests to get sensitive measures brain function. Although many conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease don’t yet have a simple cure. Research and our clinical experience show individualized programs can help improve function and slow loss.
What else do we see?
- High Brain Performance
- Baseline Testing
- Chronic Sports Injuries